Category Archives: Creations and Devotionals

Announcing: A Parcel of Pixie Kisses!

Hello Feylings!

If you’ve been following this blog and the Feyhearted project for the past few months, you’ll have seen the Pixie Kisses – weekly posts of suggestions for inviting enchantment into your life…

I am delighted to announce that these posts have been collected into a book, alongside the letters to my mailing list which accompanied them, paintings and photos from my own feyhearted explorations, and some extra material written especially for the project.

And it is up on Lulu now! Here it is:

A Parcel of Pixie Kisses

Do you long for enchantment?

Do you revel in delight?

Are you drawn to the Fey?

Choose, now, to walk in a world of beauty, of delight. Choose, now, to be enchanted by life!

Suggestions, musings and explorations of enchantment in bite-sized kisses in a dainty book, ready to wing its way into your life and guide you through play to the magic that surrounds you every day.

Be enchanted!

Happy thoughts and Pixie Dust,
~Halo x

The Faery Heart – final phase!

I have some pictures to share… since the books arrived here I’ve been working on making them even more special than simply the 13 hardcovers. This has taken much longer than I expected it to, but I’m finally getting these lovely creatures out to their new homes! Please enjoy this sneaky preview of the special edition books, soon to be winging their way to the Sponsors!


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Faery Book Update 1 – I am happily overwhelmed

The last 24 hours have been amazing.

I thank every one of you that has commented, looked and asked me for a copy of my book.

Especially those of you who want to own a copy.

I am, as I say, overwhelmed.

I am overflowing with gratitude. Gratitude for my friends, for the people around me who have and continue to support me, for the people who give me funny looks when I talk about Faeries and love me anyway (or even because of it). Gratitude for the excitement other people are sharing with me over this.

It is a wonderful thing to build bridges of joy, and I can see them growing up with every digital connection we make.

The worlds we build online are as real as those that we walk in, sleep in, love in. The worlds we can touch and feel and hear and see and smell, extend through our bodies, through the wires of the interconnecting-web, through our hearts and our words.

We build worlds of love and joy, we weave the worlds of Fey closer with every choice made in love and in alignment with our hearts.

I have seven people who have ordered one of the 13.

6 remain to find homes.

Email me if you would like to be part of this adventure as it takes to the skies!

Haloquin at googlemail dot com

And thank you. Thank you all very very much.

Watch here for further posts keeping you updated and sharing the joy!

The FeyHearted Book

With absolute pleasure I can now share that my book is completely and utterly finished!

I’ve spent most of the past year working on it and now that it is done it feels like I am full of the softest clouds, all gently and unstoppably rising. I have had a copy printed for myself, and I am incredibly excited to see how it looks when it arrives!

Here is the cover:

Faery Heart Book Cover Image

Finding the Fey within and without, the
heart of our hearts, and the Beginning
of the FeyHearted Path.

Here is the description I’ve inscribed on the dust jacket  inside the front cover:

Fey Ones!
You of the wildest
You of the sacred
You dancers,
Fey ones!
May we dance through
the world together!

Are you Enchanted?
Have you been touched by the heart of the wild
and wonderous world?
Those that are feykissed feel it in their
bones… tell me, is your heart Fey?

The Faery Heart outlines the beginnings
of the path to knowing, accepting and expressing your Fey
heart, for those who are enchanted by the heart
of nature, by The Fey themselves, those who
are both Enchanted and

And now it is time to let my book fly into the world… to take on a life of its own in other’s hands, and minds, and hearts. A book is a living thing, and a book on something as untamed as the Fey and our own deep hearts is liable to take on a life of its own. With that in mind, and in honour of the Faery Queen, who has guided my hands as I crafted this small fey creature, containing hopes and dreams, words from other worlds, the story of how the world became, glimpses of the Fey realms and the beginnings of a map to guide you into your own Fey-Heartedness, I will have printed 13 hardback copies which I will sign and number just for you.

13 special copies of this magical book… because I would like the people who give it a home to treasure it, and to treasure their own path.

13 special copies of this treasure trove.

If you would like a signed, numbered, very, very limited edition hardback copy of this Fey book, please contact me.

The high cost of printing means that I will only have them printed once I have payment for all 13 copies, and I ask, please, for £25 per book, which includes shipping the book to you. £25 is close to cost price for these books, so if you would like to sponsor this project and you can afford to give more for your copy, then by all means, please do. Each person who buys one of these thirteen will get a special mention in any further editions (though there will be no more hardcovers) and every person that can offer a little more will have an extra gift with their book, as a thank you for your support.

If you would like to preorder a limited edition, signed and numbered hardback copy of The Faery Heart please email me at: Haloquin (at) googlemail (dot) com. Once I have payment for 13 copies I will contact all those who have preordered one and let you know how long your Fey-Book will take to find its way into your loving arms!

This is both the end of a long project, and the beginning of an adventure, thank you for being here with me!

FeyHearted Book Is Go!

Today I finally put the finishing touches to the book inspired by the work done on this blog.

I realised as I was writing it that I haven’t seen anything quite like this anywhere before, so I feel rather proud of myself.

It is illustrated, and I have a beautiful cover painting currently waiting to caress the cover of my brain-child!

So now remains the final stages of working out how I am to set this free into the world. I would very much like to make a limited run of really nice books for people to buy that can, in themselves, be special. And then to branch out into paperbacks and ebooks for it to be available to a wider audience. I am always impatient with these things, so close to finishing it is tempting to simply stick it up and have it out there, but it is important to me for this to not just be lost amoung the many thousands of pages of information.

Part of the reason I’ve written this is to share with others the way I’ve walked along this FeyHearted path, and part of the reason is as a devotional act for the Fey, the Faery Queen, and Himself, and so it feels important to do this right, in a way that does them honour.

Besides, I’ve put a lot of time and energy into this, so I’d like a nice copy too!

It is interesting to think over our culture’s fascination with Fairies, especially the fascination of young girls! Historically, I’ve been reading, this has been true as well, Fey beings were important to the female members of humanity more than to the men… the stories do tell of faery women enchanting the menfolk though, so they weren’t entirely immune to their charms! Despite this, there is less written on finding the Fey parts of ourselves, and this is what my book speaks to. Weaving between an exploration of what being Fey means and suggestions for coming closer to knowing your own Fey Heartand the Fey themselves, I hope this book has something for everyone.

I suppose the identification of women with Fey beings, (and often gender-queer or magical individuals for that matter, think over the number of times queer and Sighted individuals are called Fey) is to do with the understanding of power. For those that have little power in the over-culture’s world, it makes sense to find power in another world. For those that risk their lives in the process of giving birth, or know that they will one day, those beings that are on the edges of life hold a great deal of power to help and to harm. And then again, the identification of themselves as Fey affords individuals with a measure of power in their own lives.

And then, of course, we come back to the fact that the Fey are, simply, enchanting.

I am excited to help bring a little more of that enchantment back into the world… and I will keep you all posted on how the book is coming along!

Faery Mythology – A Story – With Cards

This is a story I have written myself. A story of an imaginary history, a mythology of the separation of human and fey, both as beings and as natures within ourselves. This is a story which I translated into 8 images, 8 cards, cards which can be shuffled and laid out again as the events of this story can happen, really, in any order. It began here, travelled through here, and is now brought together right here…

Are you sitting comfortably?

Continue reading

Love Song to the Faery Queen

Sometimes, our hearts sing.

Sometimes, although the sound may not be clear, and our skill may not be great, sometimes we take a chance and share.

Sometimes, we sing love songs to our ladies, and we know they listen.

Some times, we share our songs in the hopes that somewhere, some time, some one is out there singing too.

(Be gentle, I’m not interested in technical critique, just the spirit of sharing. Thank you.)