Tag Archives: Honesty

Announcing: A Parcel of Pixie Kisses!

Hello Feylings!

If you’ve been following this blog and the Feyhearted project for the past few months, you’ll have seen the Pixie Kisses – weekly posts of suggestions for inviting enchantment into your life…

I am delighted to announce that these posts have been collected into a book, alongside the letters to my mailing list which accompanied them, paintings and photos from my own feyhearted explorations, and some extra material written especially for the project.

And it is up on Lulu now! Here it is:

A Parcel of Pixie Kisses

Do you long for enchantment?

Do you revel in delight?

Are you drawn to the Fey?

Choose, now, to walk in a world of beauty, of delight. Choose, now, to be enchanted by life!

Suggestions, musings and explorations of enchantment in bite-sized kisses in a dainty book, ready to wing its way into your life and guide you through play to the magic that surrounds you every day.

Be enchanted!

Happy thoughts and Pixie Dust,
~Halo x

Pixie Kiss # 16 – The Faery Queen’s Blessing

This is the sixteenth post in a series of suggestions for re-enchanting your life, one pixie kiss at a time. The introduction is here, and you can watch the path unfold here.

She who goes by many names, who wears so many faces…

The embodiment of Faery itself, The Faery Queen is the consciousness behind the patterns, the weaver of the web that underlies the natural world. Faeryland is the world of the spirit, the world of blueprints from which our world manifests, and she is the one that directs the creation of these blueprints.

And she is calling…


Sit for a time in the space you have made for yourself, with the tools you have created, with the stories and artworks you have collected. Ask your guide to be with you, as witness and guardian.

Muse on who you are and why you want to bring more enchantment into your life, into the world.

Cast a circle in the faery mists, a circle of blessing which will move with you, breathe in and allow it to settle around your body and go to a wild place of beauty.

Breathe out and let the circle of mists expand around you. Hold your musings in your mind…

Why do you want to enchant your life, the world?

Stand under the open sky and allow your senses to soften…

Let your heart call out to the Queen of Faery and, perhaps, she will come with the sound of bells or music or the scent of wildflowers to bless your choice to walk the path of enchantment.

Spend some time with her, in honour of her.

Maybe you feel called to make a pledge, maybe you simply feel her kiss on your forehead in blessing.

When you are ready to leave, thank the Queen and your guide, and allow the circle to sink into the earth, blessing the land beneath your feet. Leave an offering for the spirits of the place and return home.

Eat, drink water, do something mundane and get grounded!



I’ll be posting Pixie Kisses each week, if you’d like to subscribe to these suggestions for re-enchanting your life and to receive the occasional extra sparkle in your inbox which won’t be posted here, email me at: craftyhalo@gmail.com with ‘Pixie Kisses’ in the subject line.

Journalling – HeartSpace

Walking on this path we have promised to be honest, we have begun to make space for our hearts in our lives, and we have learnt how to open the Faery senses.

Let us now put these things together.

Find somewhere comfortable to sit and play.

Open your Faery senses in the way the Faery Queen told you.

Feel the mists between the worlds descend and feel your senses open. Know that you can see with Faery sight, hear with Faery ears, feel with Faery senses.

Sit with your journal and your Heart-Space – your box or bag or whatever called you – and feel what belongs in this bag. Meditate or muse while open on these questions:

What is in my heart?

What fills my heart with love and joy and delight?

What fills my heart with warmth, but I won’t let myself hold?

And what am I holding onto in my heart that I no longer need?

You might want to write or draw or doodle in your journal around these thoughts. You may suddenly realise you have the perfect thing to represent something you would like to hold in your heart and feel compelled to go get it and see how it feels to place it in there.

Feel how your Heart-Space feels to you. Is it missing things? Is it overflowing with love? Is it a little leaky? Are there some things you feel you would never put in there, but would like to just the same?

Allow insights to arise, take your time and come back to this later and see how the answers have changed.

If you would like to, I include some suggestions for journaling below.

Mark out a heart shape in your journal.

What fills your heart?

Fill the shape with images of things that fill your heart with warm/love/Faery

Collage, draw, write, doodle, whatever feels good to you.

What fills you with love?

What would you like to hold in your heart, but are scared to? What do you know fills you with love, but you resist taking it in?

What supports you in bringign your heart into your life?

Surround the heart with things that support your heart/bringing your heart into the world.

You can keep adding to this over time, allowing images to come to you in magazines or leaflets, or drawing them directly onto the page. Allowing words to arise, painting over images, cutting holes… anything that feels like it expresses what you feel would best fill your heart, and that surrounds you with a safe place to express your heart.

Be honest. Be as gentle with yourself as you need to be. Play!

You may want to scan these images and print them out at card size so you can make them into a deck of cards, carry them with you easily, or keep them visible around your home or workplace. You can make these images into wallpaper for your desktop, or posters for your room, or anything that helps you remember who you are. You may want instead to sit with the journal pages and condense them down directly onto a card, drawing or writing out the bits that most resonate into something that can remind you of the whole.

Experiment. Play. Enjoy.

The Next Step: A Full Moon Faery Ritual

The Heart Layout

I developed this card layout in order to help us figure out where we are in ourselves, and how much in tune with our heart our lives are. The idea is to pull three cards, on for each of the words: I Am Here. And to lay them in the shape of a heart, like so:


‘I’ represents your core, the state of your heart now, and/or what is in your heart right now.

‘Am’ represents how you are expressing your heart.

‘Here’ represents your life and situation, the state of the world around you.

Once you have the cards, turn them over and contemplate them, meditate with them, read them however you find best. Play a little. See what they say to you about each part, your essence, your expression, and your life-situation. See if they are working together or in balance, or if something needs to shift.

Then pull a fourth card and lay it over the top of the others.

This card is: Changing.

This card is either that which needs to change in order for the first three points to come into balance, or, if they are already in balance, it points to the next movement, the next cycle, the next direction to keep in balance, in flow.

Now read the fourth card in relation to the first three and contemplate.

Be Honest.

The Next Step: Journalling Around Your Heart

Some Words from True Thomas

True Thomas followed the Faery Queen into Faery, and he returned again.

He has some wisdom for us, I recount it here:

Before we begin, True Thomas asks for a promise of truth.

This path requires honesty.

Can You commit to being as honest with yourself as you are able?

If you cannot, or will not, then no matter what this path can show you, you will not see it.

Take hold of a mirror and open your Faery senses, your gift from the Faery Queen. Look into your eyes, breath deeply, and ask yourself if you are ready to be completely honest with yourself. If not, ask how honest you are able to be with yourself. And then make a promise, to yourself, witnessed by True Thomas and the Faery Queen, to be as honest with yourself as you are able on this path.

The Next Step: Preparing to Turn the Sight on OurSelves